Real Turkey - Natural moist dog food
REAL TURKEY - Cooka's delicious turkey pate is made with more than 85% fresh turkey and live vegetables for healthy digestion. 100% human grade - 100% natural and grain free. Looks, smells and tastes just like real food No additives - no preservatives - only honest ingredients Delivered directly to your dog's bowl in a 400g jar Store in a dry and cool place Ingredients: Turkey - muscle, heart, liver, gizzards) (85 %), sweet potato (4%), peas, chia seeds, coconut oil and flakes (3%), curcuma, ground eggshells, seaweed | Nutritional additives per kg: Vitamin D3 200IU, Vitamin E 20mg, iodine 0.4mg, manganese 2.16mg, zinc 21mg Analytical constituents: Crude protein: 10.5%, Crude fat and ash oil: 6.3%, Crude ash: 2.1%, Crude fiber : 1.5%, Moisture: 79.1%
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Real Turkey - Natural moist dog food